Are you Serving a Life Sentence

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Here’s why your brand is vital to your success in creating a sustainable future.

Once upon a time we lived in a world where we were sleepwalking through our existence. We were conditioned to believing the best way to make a living was to work for someone else on their terms and we were afraid of thinking about our real choices or even that we had a choice. We believed a job secured with someone else would be more secure and would make life easier. We thought that “getting on” in the world of work was about being better than your peers, being promoted, having status and that money was the key to our happiness. As a result, our ego grew and grew to the point that we forgot what really mattered. We forgot why were we here, what we were doing it all for and what actually made us truly happy and fulfilled. We forgot who we really were and all the while a gap had opened inside us. The gap began to grow and we started to feel a sense of loss, grief even and as it grew, it began to cast a shadow over the riches our ego had tempted us with all this time. All of a sudden this was not enough. We knew we were adrift but we didn’t know how to regain our sense of direction.

For a moment, we snapped out of our sleepwalk and it dawned on us. We became aware we were serving a sentence of life that was no longer our own. We were trading our life on someone else’s terms and we were serving our ego that had become out of control. Our relationship with money had become an obsession, an addiction even and it was now only serving as an anti-depressant to our feelings of loss. We now began to understand why we were constantly feeling low and dissatisfied. All of a sudden we felt an urge to protect ourselves, an instinctive need born out of our natural evolution and one we had sacrificed for what we were told was a better deal.

Just this realisation started to make us feel better. We began to see the reality of what we had become and knew the sentence we were serving was really of our own making. If we had made it happen, we could make it stop. It wouldn’t be easy and we could easily fall back into our sleepwalking state. The strength of our ego would continue to suck us into the wants and desires that gave us a quick fix but left us feeling hollow inside. However, with enough courage and the will to step away into a calmer environment, we would find a way to think clearly and end the sentence of life and experience our freedom once again.

We continued to draw strength from our new found freedom and the sense of loss began to take on a more positive vibe. The currency of money was being replaced with a new currency - the way we think and, as a result, our ego was weakening. Our new found energy and vitality blew away the shadow of loss and grief and we could see a future of limitless potential and real joy.

By now we had stopped serving our ego in favour of a richer entity – our soul. The future is now ours for the making, shaped by our purpose and our renewed understanding of who we are and why we are here. 

Create the calm environment you need to find your freedom.

Book your complimentary consultation today

From the Fount at Zengility

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